The tenth KLAYRock : EXPERIMENTS drop is a special 1 of 1 homage edition to the science fiction films and video games of the early 1980’s.

The late 70’s and early 80’s saw an explosion of science fiction content across all mediums, from films to video games - capturing the public’s imagination. With the advent of personal computers and booming economies, the future we read about no longer seemed like fiction and everything seemed possible. This sentiment was capitalized on by the creators of the day, releasing classic like Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Star Wars, Alien and The Last Starfighter. Featuring tech of the day, intergalactic space carriers were adorned with monochrome CRT screens displaying wireframe maps of the galaxy in all their dot matrix glory.

The unique retro-tech aesthetics of the early 80’s have continued to live on, with lo-fi video games, music and art making a comeback and firmly planting itself in today’s zeitgeist as consumers are beginning to show signs of “Apple-chic” fatigue, seeking vintage and analogue aesthetics as a way to quench their need for authenticity.


1 OF 1

CONTACT is a direct homage to the retro-tech aesthetics seen in science fiction films and video games of the early 1980’s.

Utilizing the dot matrix qualities of old monochrome CRT monitors, you could be looking at a monitor on-board the Nostromo (for those of you who aren’t familiar with the Alien franchise, Nostromo is the name of the ship in the original Alien film).

The story depicted in the 1 of 1 edition is mix-mash of science fiction tropes of the day; aliens, astronauts, other worlds - all to a synth heavy 80’s inspired chill-wave soundtrack.


